AI model

Showcase clothing on various models and endless scenes in minutes

or drop an image

No image? Try one of these:

Customize models and backgrounds for better conversion

Turn your ordinary photos into high-quality studio images and customize models and backgrounds to match your desired audience.

10X Faster On-Model Images

Showcase your product on actual models instead of mannequins with 10x faster time to market and higher conversion.

Reduce Model Photo Cost By 90%

Get model photos without the hassle and expense of going through booking photographers, models, studios and post-processing.

How it works


Upload product images and mask them out

To ensure optimal results, upload images under good lighting condition and mask out the product area where you want to reserve.


Select models and backgrounds

We have a variety of AI models and scenes to choose from. Additionally, you can write a text description of the model and its background.


Generate and download

Generate multiple results at once and select the best one to download or use on a canvas for further editing.

10X Faster On-Model Images

People love AI Models in ZMO.AI

Armando Tejeda

It saves us thousands of dollars every time we shoot. We have a lot of different product types, and it's impossible for us to do model shoots for all of them quickly. However, this AI is a lifesaver. It accelerates our time to market and saves us a huge amount of money.

Yash Mangyu

The fashion models generated by AI have a wide variety of styles and appearances. It's really nice to see this diverse fashion representation as it encourages conversation and gives us an abundance of content for marketing.